Monday, January 31, 2005

Sick again

I hate my life. I had a cold about two weeks ago and it never really went away, it seems. I am still coughing and blowing my nose all the time. This weekend I got worse again and had fever.
Since I was sick, I slept all day long and significantly fucked up my sleep pattern for the first time in over a year. On top of that my lips are all chapped and swollen so I now look like Angelina Jolie :D
Anyway, today is Monday, a new week and a new beginning. I've just eaten an orange, I'm gonna take a bath and do some good old fashioned cycling.
Tonight I will have dinner with my girlfriend so I anticipate some additional exercise to take place :)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hello, World!

For those of you who may be not be aware of this, last year around this time, I decided to lose weight and change my life around.
After a few months of unmitigated success, I started slacking a bit, but managed to maintain my weight (and girth!) as well as a normal sleep pattern.
Although I lost nearly 70 pounds, I am still overweight. In fact, I am still hovering slightly above the obesity threshold. Which is... not good.
Today... I didnt make any such grandiose decision. But for some reason, I found myself following the old pattern I had established for myself, of eating a small amount of food every 2 hours (plain bread, 2 slices), drinking lots of water, and working out a bit on my stationary bicycle.
It's interesting to note that I seem to have been converging back towards this pattern on my own, without even conciously deciding to follow it.
This new blog will be in english... since it seems that most of my friends are scattered across the globe, and my "real" friends here in Portugal have no problem reading english anyway.
My lunch was soup. The only "real" food I had was dinner. Bread and water throughout the day, and 5km on the bike.
I felt a little weak around dinner time, but I'm all better now :)
Tomorrow I will go out and buy me some fruit. It's healthier than bread, and the simpler sugars in it will keep my energy levels up throughout the day.
I just hope I can keep it up for another 4 months like last year...